Nyfty Ventures

10% of sales will go to Nyfty Ventures – this is the money we make BEFORE any expenses are deducted, which means a guaranteed donation as soon as a product is sold.

Nyfty Ventures is a charitable fund that provides grants and mentorship to underrepresented founders and entrepreneurs.

Nyfty’s mission is empowering creatives and entrepreneurs and tearing down barriers, and that is exactly what Nyfty Ventures does. 10% of all sales are donated to Nyfty Ventures. Not only does this provide life-changing opportunities for the founders themselves to become pioneers in their respective industries but allows young aspiring thinkers to believe it is possible for them too.

This problem of underrepresentation is not just access to finance, it creates underrepresentation in senior roles, which only exacerbates the problem as there will be fewer role models and create a systemic disadvantage. We need to break this culture.

The grant values are between £10k and £50k.

Please read the stories below and decide who you would like to give your proceeds to.

Luminary Bakery is an innovative response to a need we saw for women who have had a social and economic disadvantage. We are a social enterprise designed to offer opportunities for women to build a future for themselves. We provide a safe and professional environment where women can grow holistically – encouraging ambition, restoration and second chances. We use baking as a tool to take women on a journey to employability and entrepreneurship, equipping them with transferable skills for the working world. We offer courses, work experience and paid employment within our bakery, empowering women to build their career.
By investing in and releasing them to realise their dreams – through training, employment and community – we aim to break cycles of poverty, violence & disadvantage once and for all.
The Daughters United provide personalised Coaching & Mentoring Services for intergenerational women and girls, so they can feel empowered. For us it’s about finding the best vision of you and making it reality. We give you the clarity, knowledge, and tools you need to succeed.

We believe every woman and girl can live a life of impact.

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