
After one of our founders, Charlie’s laptop died, he was forced to go analogue for a couple of days at work and had to result to nothing but an old whiteboard at his desk. And guess what? No one got hurt. Yes, the email inbox was bulging, but that was about it.

But something strange happened, the creative blocks he had for the previous few weeks were gone, the frantic jumping around from task to task had gone, and most importantly he’d felt a sense of calmness for the first time in a long time. It was all very bizarre.

So he was more creative than ever, more productive than ever, and happier. And oddly enough, he’d felt recharged, rather than feeling shattered like after a normal days work with screens.

This (forced) breakaway from technology made him realise that the costs of being constantly connected significantly outweighed the benefits. And there was a need to go back to analogue at least for a period of the day.

The one problem was that the whiteboard was hardly portable (or nice to look at), so we wanted to create a space that was sustainable, could go anywhere, and you didn’t need a hammer and nails to use it, or a pair of blue light glasses.

Correct. But it’s also a beautiful enchanting space that allows you to disconnect from the URLs to connect IRL. It’s place to do your best thinking, with no distractions and where no idea is a bad idea.

We have a few beliefs of our own, but some companies may not be willing to talk about them in case it p*sses some people off. We’re trying to recapture creativity from our young generation, whether it’s schools stripping away the arts and “softer” subjects from our curriculum or AI-generating Frank Sinatra spitting a Drake song, our creative juices are being chipped away at all angles. We must fight and stand strong against these forces, so we can think for ourselves and be able to express ourselves.

As the late Sir Ken Robinson once said, “Creativity in education is important as literacy”. We hear you Ken, and we’re here to spread that message.

We are trying to create safe spaces away from screens, but we are on a bigger mission; we are here to make you the most creative, most organised and happiest you can possibly be. Just like Charlie felt when he stumbled across the idea.

We don’t just like to talk about inspiring the next generation of thinkers, we want to put our money where our mouth is; that’s why we give 10% of all sales as grants to under-represented founders and their businesses.

We let you decide who gets your proceeds too! Head to the Nyfty Ventures page to find out more.



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