
Filters: Take off those shades

Are you living life through a filter? Going through life wearing headphones or sunglasses. I don’t mean literally, like Bono or something. Are you going into your everyday with pre-conceived ideas? Are you listening for the things you want to hear, or seeing the things you want to see. By having these filters, we miss the subtle sounds and nuances in the world that be some of the best sources of creative inspiration. Take off those shades – you never know what you might see


What’s the biggest hack to increase your social media following? It’s not using a trending song, it’s not faceless content, it’s not using a specific call to action or these exact words – it’s…make good content that people want to consume. It is not a hack, it’s hard and time consuming. Everyone wants a shortcut, they are rewards for the least amount of effort. Fast is sexy, slow is not sexy – slow is beautiful, it’s rewarding and long lasting. Technology has increased the need for shortcuts because we are only shown the fastest way possible to something and then we use this as our benchmark.

Retreating to Analogue

With every extreme shift in way of living, there is always a revert back to the mean at some point – like the hardcore veganism bubble bursting. The technology innovation boom is similar, but rather than being burst, just slightly deflated amongst the creative population. We are now seeing people retreating from constant connection with our devices, and preferring more analogue methods for work. More analogue practices allow for a deeper connection with what you are trying to create, a more intentional practice. This isn’t a total rebellion against digital but to more of a hybrid model that allows you to go deeper. I was so obsessed with being productive and efficient with my technology, I was actually bypassing the beauty (and struggle) of the creative process. Are you looking to go more analogue this year?

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